The Miraculous Drink of Warm Water With Honey

The miraculous drink of warm water with honey 2

Did you know that ancient cave paintings depict the use of honey? Did you know that it takes almost 60,000 bees and 2 million flowers to make a pound of honey?

Well, gathering honey from the wild bee colonies started way back around 8000 B.C. Apart from using it as a source of natural sweetener, Egyptians also used honey as an offering to appease their gods. Inclining towards the modern world, even Pooh- the honey bear said: “If everything is honey, and I am what I eat, I must be made of honey, and life is very sweet!”

Today, honey is used as an alternative to artificial sweeteners. At the same time, it also is a secret ingredient that is used to treat various chronic diseases. Right from improving heart health to wound healing, honey plays a vital role. A secret-drink that is widely preferred by fitness lovers is a glass of warm water and organic honey.

Mixing honey with warm water has been used as an ancient remedy for numerous health benefits. This miraculous drink, with a blend of services, is a perfect choice to start or end your day.

What are the Benefits of Warm Water and Honey?

Organic honey is a blend of beauty and health benefits that works wonders for the overall health. By having a glass of warm water with honey, you will be able to grab the following benefits:

  1. Detoxify the System

Detoxification is the ultimate process of cleansing or removing the toxic substances from the body. Now, numerous ways of detoxifying involve maintaining a strict diet, consumption of prebiotic food, water-fasting (might turn out to be a tough one), etc. Drinking a glass of warm water with honey and lemon is the perfect recipe if you are looking for an easy option.

  1. Weight Management

Since ages, one of the home remedies that can be considered as weight-reduction hacks is the consumption of a glass of warm water and honey. Involving these powerful natural ingredients in your daily diet can help you to lose belly fat at ease. It is advised to consume the same before breakfast (at least 30 minutes), to get the maximum benefit.

  1. Improve Sleep-Quality

The next benefit that you can grab by the intake of warm water with honey is that it will help you to improve your sleep quality. If you are someone who experiences the state of being insomniac, then try having a glass of warm water with honey before bed at night. This will help you to calm down your nerves and enjoy a peaceful sleep throughout the night.

  1. Build Immunity

It can’t be denied that honey is an excellent source to boost the immune system. We can define the immune system as a defence mechanism that prevents the body from being infected. If you are someone who experiences cold and cough frequently, then try having a glass of warm water and honey daily to strengthen your immune system naturally. Also, make sure to follow an exercise along with a healthy diet-plan to grab the maximum benefits. 

So, what do you prefer? Are you ready to give a try? Well, this ancient practice of having honey with warm water can turn out to be a boon for you and your family members. The drink can be either consumed in the early morning or even at the bed-time. To get the best results, it is recommended to proceed with the intake of organic raw honey. Infused raw honey helps you to gain added benefits like:

At Bhookha Haathi, we focus on providing the best and natural health products that cover a wide range of dry fruits, infused honey and mouth fresheners. Our range of 100% organic honey acts as a powerful healer and is free from added colours and preservatives. It is a perfect alternative to restore the deficit nutrients in your diet. So, make sure that you choose the right honey for yourself and help your body to relax, rejuvenate and function at its best!

Written By: Sultana Arifah
Sultana is a Digital Marketer Evangelist who is keen on exploring the different domains of the online business industry. A planner, strategist, ghostwriter by day, and a reader by night, her interest also lies in cooking, traveling, and listening to music.

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