World Vegetarian Day 1st October

There can be several reasons why one may choose to adhere to a vegetarian diet supplemented with only a limited few animal products. It may be due to religious beliefs, health restrictions, or compassion towards the environment. Either way, there are several benefits that can be obtained from a vegetarian diet.
A vegetarian diet can offer a host of health benefits, including improved gastric efficiency, lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as improved blood sugar levels. Also, plant and plant products are packed with fiber, which can aid in smooth bowel movements. Rich in antioxidants, fruits and vegetables are the go-to choices for a healthy lifestyle.
There are three main categories of vegetarians.
These people consume both dairy and eggs but avoid meat and fish.
These people consume dairy but avoid meat, eggs, and fish.
These people consume eggs but avoid dairy, meat, and fish.
Despite all the benefits, there is a risk of not obtaining the appropriate amounts of micronutrients that a vegetarian diet may lack due to their non availability.
To successfully continue with a vegetarian diet and also be assured of adequate nourishment, vegetarians are recommended to think about opting for these supplements.
Vitamin B12
This vitamin is commonly known for its mood-boosting properties. It is crucial to many bodily processes such as the synthesis of red blood cells and genetic material. It also supports and boosts cell function.
Plant-based sources such as soy and some types of yeasts contain a very little amount of this vitamin.
Research shows that a large percentage of vegetarians and vegans who do not consume milk and/or eggs were deficient in Vitamin B12. You may consider taking its supplements if you haven’t yet.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D or Calciferol is an essential micronutrient in the regulation of hormones, boosting and maintaining the body’s immunity as well as supporting the absorption of calcium for healthy and strong bones.
If you are a fan of the outdoors or regularly engage in activities under the sun, you are probably getting your daily requirement of this vitamin. But based on research, chances are that you are most probably deficient.
Vegetarians do not have many sources to obtain Vitamin D from since their diet does not comprise its primary sources – eggs & dairy. This is why vegetarians are recommended to either look out for and purchase fortified food varieties or just regular supplements.
Calcium is a mineral that is essential to the maintenance of bones and teeth and also to the process of muscle contraction and relaxation.
Despite the fact that there are several vegetables that contain copious amounts of it, several vegetarians that do not consume dairy are shown to be deficient in calcium. This is because of the fact that many of these greens possess a slightly bitter taste that is not palatable by all.
As a vegetarian, you should definitely consider taking calcium supplements – especially if you drink caffeinated beverages (such as tea, coffee, soft drinks) regularly. This is because caffeine interferes with the process of absorption of calcium.
Zinc is crucial to the immune system processes. Additionally, the cells in the human body rely on zinc to replicate and multiply. It is also a cofactor of several enzymes that are responsible for various reactions in our bodies.
It should be kept in mind that the levels of zinc consumed needs to be regulated – as high amounts of it can interfere with the absorption of minerals such as iron and copper.
Iron helps the hemoglobin in our RBCs to bind with oxygen and thus transport it (and other nutrients) to wherever required in our bodies.
There are two types of iron – Heme iron that is obtained from animal products, and Non-heme iron that is found in plants and plant products.
A routinely taken blood test can help determine whether you are obtaining sufficient amounts of iron from plant products. If not, you may want to consider taking a supplement.
Omega 3s
Vegetarians, when tested, are often found to be deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids which can be found in fatty fish such as salmon and some nuts and seeds. These fatty acids are excellent for the well-being and good functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system.
Bhookha Haathi’s offerings are 100% natural, gluten-free, and vegan. They contain a host of micronutrients such as Vitamins A, E & C, and minerals like Iron and Calcium – making them the most aptly suited for those who prefer sticking to vegetarian diets. Moreover, Bhookha Haathi provides customized subscription plans to suit your nutritional requirements that your daily diet might be lacking in to help you lead a healthier life.
Written by: Jahnabee Adhikari
Jahnabee is a part-time blogger, full-time dog lover. She believes that writing actually possesses the potential to change the world. She can be often found fantasizing about poetry or buried nose-deep in a Sudha Murthy novel.